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“In Defense of Julian Assange”: Why WikiLeaks Founder’s Case Threatens Press Freedom
Julian Assange Lawyer: What’s at Stake in Extradition Case Is Freedom of the Press
Sexual assault allegation cases dropped against Julian Assange 줄리안 어샌지, 성폭행 소송
Sweden's top prosecutor drops 7-year rape investigation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
Panel decision on Assange 'indirectly, but still legally, binding,' UN says
Assange unable to prepare for case due to unsuitable computer in prison
FtS: Julian Assange's Defense File a New Complaint for Espionage
Assange asks US to end witch-hunt
You Might Not Like Assange, But You Should Oppose His Extradition
Tariq Ali: WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Must Not Be Extradited for Exposing War Crimes in Afghanistan
Top U.S. & World Headlines — November 20, 2019
Yellow Vests protest in London to defend Julian Assange